Sunday, January 01, 2006

Survey-ish thing....

Put an "X" by all the things you've done and share it with your friends.

1. ( ) Smoked a cigarette.
2. ( ) Crashed a friend's car.
3. ( ) Stolen a car.
4. (x) Been in love.
5. (x) Been dumped.
6. ( ) Shoplifted.
7. ( ) Been fired/laid off.
8. (x) Been in a fist fight.
9. (x) Snuck out of your parent's house.
10.(x) Had feelings for someone that didn't have them back.
11. ( ) Been arrested.
12. ( ) Gone on a blind date.
13. (x) Lied to a friend.
14. (x) Skipped school.
15. ( ) Seen someone die.
16. (x) Been to Canada
17. ( ) Been to Mexico.
18. (x) Been on a plane.
19. ( ) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire.
20. (x ) Eaten sushi.
21. (x ) Been skiing.
22. ( ) Met someone in person from the internet.
23. (x) Taken pain-killers.
24. (x) Love someone or miss someone right now.
25. (x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
26. (x) Made a snow angel.
27. (x) Had a tea party.
28. (x) Flown a kite.
29. (x) Built a sand castle.
30. (x) Gone puddle jumping.
31. (x) Played dress up.
32. (x ) Cheated while playing a game
33. (x) Been lonely.
34. (x) Fallen asleep at work/school.
35. ( ) Used a fake I.D
36. (x) Watched a sunset. How about a sunrise???/
37. ( ) Felt an earthquake.
38. (x) Touched a snake.
39. (x) Slept beneath the stars.
40. (x) Been tickled.
41. ( ) Been robbed.
42. (x) Been misunderstood.
43. (x) Petted a reindeer/goat.
44. (x) Won a contest.
45. (x) Ran a red light.
46. ( ) Been suspended from school.
47. ( ) Been in a car accident.
48. ( ) Had braces.
49. ( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night.
50. (x) Had deja vu.
51. ( ) Danced in the moonlight.
52. (x) Liked the way you looked.
53. (x) Witnessed a crime.
54. (x) Questioned your heart.
55. ( ) Been obsessed with post it notes
56. (x) Squished barefoot through the mud
57. (x) Been lost.- physically and metaphorically
58. (x) Been to the opposite side of the country.
59. (x) Swam in the ocean.
60. (x) Felt like dying.
61. (x ) Cried yourself to sleep.
62. (x) Played cops and robbers
63. (x) Recently colored with crayons.
64. ( ) Sung karaoke.
65. (x) Paid for a meal with only coins.
66. (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
67. (x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out your nose.
68. (x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue.
69. (x) Danced in the rain.
70. (x ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
71. (x) Been kissed under the mistletoe.
72. () Watched the sun rise with someone you care about.(and the northern lights..
73. (x) Blown bubbles.
74. (x) Made a bonfire on the beach.
75. (x) Crashed a party.-maybe tommorow
76.(x) gone roller-skating. (and I will again on tuesday)
77. (x) Had a wish come true.
78. ( ) Worn pearls.
79. (x ) Jumped off a bridge
80. ( ) Ate dog/cat food.
81. ( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them.
82. ( ) Kissed a mirror.
83. (x) Sang in the shower.
84. (x ) Had a dream that you married someone.
85. ( x) Glued your hand to something
86. ( x) Got your tongue stuck to a flagpole
87. ( ) Kissed a fish.
88. (x) Sat on a rooftop.
89. (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
90. ( ) Done a one-handed cartwheel.
91. ( ) Talked on the phone for more than six hours on one occasion.
92. (x) Stayed up all night.
93. ( ) Didn't take a shower for a week
94. (x) Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
95. (x) Climbed a tree that had a tree house.
96. (x) Been told by a complete stranger that you're hot.
97. ( ) Ever had a one night stand.
98. (x) Ever missed someone so much it still hurts to think of them.
99. ( ) Ever loved someone that you knew wouldn't love you back.
100. (x) Ever been to a professional baseball, football, or hockey game in a stadium.
101. (x) Went hiking in the mountains.
102. ( ) Smoked a cigar.
103. (x) Had a crush on someone you worked with but never told them.
104. (x) Wished you had the chance to change your profession.
105. ( ) Ever cremated and kept the ashes of a pet you cared a lot about.
106. ( ) Wished you could live your life over again beginning at age 21.
107. ( ) Been baptized.- and confirmed
108. (x) Rode a horse.
109. ( ) Sent flowers to someone you never met.
110. (x) Changed a flat tire.
111. ( ) Told someone you loved them just to try and have sex with them.
112. (x) Been on an island.
113. (x) Double dipped.
114. ( ) Skinny Dipped


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