Sunday, January 01, 2006

1. Full Name: Megan Fowler

2. What color pants are you wearing right now? blue stripey pyjama pants

3. What are you listening to right now? the sound of the fridge and my keyboard....

4. What was the last thing you ate? chocolate

5. If you were a crayon what color would you be? blue. some kind of teal-y blue. i like that colour.

6. How is the weather right now? nice. not enough snow though

7. Last person you talked to on the phone? Sadie

8. The first thing you notice about the opposite (and same) sex? Based on conversation.....if they can't converse, I don't look twice.

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Um...yes. I think i got it from lisa. so yes, she's cool.

10. How are you today? sleepy but

11. What is your favorite drink? Coke. Beer. Keith's, in particular (but only when a certain Maritimer is with me...)

12. Favorite food? i LOVE scallops.

13. Favorite sport? hockey and swimming

14. Hair color? blond

15. Eye color? blue-ish green

16. Do you wear contacts? no. don't need em (see below for reason)

17. Siblings, and their ages: None. I am

19. Favorite video game: Generals

20. Last movie you watched? Austin Powers

20. Favorite day of the week? Fridays (no school in winter term on fridays!)

21. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Apparently I am. I thought I wasn't. Oh well. Live and learn

22. What is your favorite TV show? Crossing Jordan

23. Do you have any pets, and if so what are their names? No pets. But my friend has a dog named Raffi

24. Summer or Winter? Both. for very different reasons.

25. Black or White? A million shades of grey.....

26. Sugar or Spice? I like spicy

27. Chocolate or Vanilla? what about white chocolate?

28. Do you want your friends to write back? Meh.

29. Who is most likely to respond? No one

30. Who is least likely to respond? Everyone

31. What's your favorite type of movie? Pretty much anything, just not SUPER scary ones

32. What books are you reading? The Broker by John Grisham and Bastards and Boneheads by Will Ferguson

33. What's on your mouse pad? Don't have one anymore.

34. Favorite Board Game? RISK or Cranium or Axis and Allies

35. What are you doing tonight? I just got home from a new year's thing and i'm all wired and not sleepy

36. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? you betcha. it's kinda creepy.

37. Can you run a mile in under 11 mins? no. i don't run.

38. Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? sometimes.

39. Favorite car? my green machine

40. How many keys on your key ring? 3

41. Favorite day of the year? Boxing day. hockey, mashed potatoes, stuffing. mmm good.

42. Red or Blue? Blue. Always blue.

43. What did you do for your last birthday? Drank

44. Do you carry a donor card? yup

45. Your goals? B Ed, BA (Hist), MSS, PhD (Mil. Hist), teach in NewZealand, and then come back here and settle down...yikes.

46. What do you think of the first thing when you wake up in the morning? Do I have to get up? 5 more minutes, please!!!


Blogger Neal said...

Yay for questionnaires.

5:21 AM  

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