Tuesday, January 13, 2004

So it seems that I have been tremendously negligent in writing anything. Money's been tight, Michael got a job so I got the money that he owed me back, and school started up again. Mind you, that doesn't mean that he's not annoying me still. He promised that he'd wait until after he'd been working for a while to get a GameCube, but then he went and bought one on saturday, and proceeded to lie about it until I found out yesterday from both Kaleb and Ryan. I was not impressed at his frivolous waste of money, especially because he lied about it (he told me Saturday night that they were renting the system, when really they were renting games to go with his system). Anyways, I'm still not happy about it, because he's the type of person who is drawn to flashing lights and bright objects, and I know for certain that he'll let the GameCube get in the way of me and him. And that bothers me a lot. He promises that he won't let it come between us, but he's done it before and I don't see any reason that this will be different. And now that he's got a new toy, the "boys" will be over there all the time and I'll be pushed aside unless he needs a beer or something. So really, why should I not be upset about this? And then, after knowing that I'll be upset about the purchase, he actually called last night to see if I wanted to come over and play MarioKart. I LOVE MarioKart, but he didn't know that, so I told him he could take his GameCube and shove it. I want to play, but I don't because of the fallacy that went into the purchase, and he doesn't understand that at all. Men....why don't they understand?

It also bothers me that he and Grant are such good friends, even though Grant takes advantage of him and ttreats him like shit. He just doesn't understand that friends aren't supposed to bitch and moan about everything that their so-called friend does wrong, or make disparaging remarks about their friend's girlfriend, or come and use the house to suit his purposes and not give anything in return. And it annoys the hell out of me that Michael doesn't realize that Grant does that. Not that it matters what I say anyways; he's so damn stubborn that he won't listen and recognize that I'm right until Grant does something retarded and Michael realizes that he's being used. As of right now, no one can tell him anything, and man oh man does that act get old fast.

Anyways, that's all for now....belated happy new year, and it won't be quite so long next time.