Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Hmm....not a whole lot to say today. I think that school is really trying hard to bite me in the ass. I found out that yes, I failed my midterm in Father Dave's class, and that my other theology prof hasn't even marked them yet, or our papers, or anything. And I'm worried. I need good marks. Maybe now with Michael working full time, I'll be able to concentrate a little more on school, especially since I won't be coming to his house (which is where I am right now) so much. I'll have more time to get all my stuff done, and I think that's important. And then I can go do the stuff I want to do and not worry about anyone getting on my case.

I also think that his full time job means that we'll have to make a more conscious effort to spend time together, especially given that we don't have the opportunity on tuesday and thursday mornings, or tuesday afternoons to do so. So the half an hour I'll get today will mean so much more than if I had already seen him for an hour this morning. And I think that this will be good for us. I've already realized that time is precious, and quality time with Michael is even more so. Maybe for once we'll be able to do stuff without it becoming a big point of contention for us. maybe we'll be able to just go do stuff, especially now that he's going to have a bit of money....hmm....good things, good things....